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Thank you Milford!

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Congratulations to Alderman Tony Giannattasio! With over twenty years of public service, Alderman Tony Giannattasio has a proven record of commitment to the City of Milford. As the sitting minority leader, he fought to keep 1.8 million dollars in the budget to safeguard our schools. He brings extensive experience from various municipal boards, including Planning and Zoning, where he served as a commissioner, as well as Public Works, Sewer, and Economic Development committees. Tony recognizes the importance of preserving the sound and all that it represents for Milford. His role as a liaison to the Police Department and Fire Department has earned him the respect of their members. Now, as Tony embarks on the next phase of his commitment to the City of Milford, he humbly seeks your support. Join us in supporting Tony Giannattasio for Mayor!

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Meet Your Elected Officials

Here are the people that are ready to get to work for the city of Milford.

People just like you who care about our city.

We have the same concerns as you. The same hopes and dreams for our families.

Public safety, we need to support our Police and Fire departments.

Excellence in Education. Business friendly economy. Fiscal responsibility.

We must preserve and protect Milford's historic charm. 

Board of Alderman

Board Of Education

Planning And Zoning



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