Milford RTC
Scott F. Marlow
Candidate Board of Aldermen District 2
“Continuing 31 years of commitment and public service for all of Milford's Citizens.”
Moved to Milford 1980
Married Joyce, a lifelong Milford resident, in 1981
Four Children -Three married, residing in Milford, one active Military.
Two sons in law, one daughter in law.
Five Grandchildren:
Christian; Served in local churches since 1989,
Frank has worked in the construction industry for over 40 years, the last 31 of those years has been
with A.P. Construction working as a Construction. Manager/Superintendent overseeing large commercial construction projects. Promoted to the Director of Field Operations.
Public Service:
Joined the Milford Republican Town Committee in the late 80's
Appointed to Board of Education 1992
Elected to Board of Education 1993,1995,1997,1999.
Appointed Building Code of Appeals Board served 3 years.
Appointed to the Finance Board under two administrations.
Elected to the Planning and Zoning Board (served for 5 years, 1 year as Chairman)
Appointed to Inland Wetlands Committee
Served as 5th District Co Chairman of the MRTC and currently serves as the 2nd District Co Chairman of the MRTC
Appointed to the Board of Aldermen in 2020
Elected to the Board of Aldermen in 2021
Aldermanic liaison to: Library Board, Sewer Commission, InlandWetlands and MGAT